Transform Pain Into Power

Beauty comes from pain. It is a fundamental truth of life that what keeps mankind pushing forward is pain – pain of loss, fear and failure. We ALWAYS have a choice to make. Do we give in and let the world bend us, or do we surrender, regroup and try to impose our will on […]

Source Hacker Reviews – Does The Program Work? Here’s What Students Have To Say

.elementor-290 .elementor-element.elementor-element-ebe7fe3 > .elementor-background-overlay {background-position: top;} Is Source Hacker a scam or a legitimate program? Today we’ll have a look at five Source Hacker reviews from students who took the program and decided to share their personal experience in the Facebook group. These students have not been compensated for sharing their Source Hacker reviews. All […]

Balance And The Inevitability Of Manifesting BIG

The best things in life come to us when we’re able to create balance – a balance between effort and leisure, strategy and intuition, love and objectivity, and so on.  Throughout my journey of learning how to manifest what I truly desire in this life, I’ve met many people who have fallen victim to an […]

Adaptability Is The Best Competitive Advantage

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. Be water, my friend.” – Bruce Le The ability to become what we need to become is the highest form of adaptability. In today’s world, it’s not the strongest who reigns triumphant – it’s the one who’s most adaptable to change. Willing to embrace uncertainty and randomness […]

The Gift Of Being Misunderstood

If we want to live an extraordinary life, we must do extraordinary things. Anyone who chooses greatness over mediocrity will naturally explore less traditional paths of life and is bound to be misunderstood by friends, family and peers at some point in their lives. Opinions of people we value the most is indeed painful, especially […]

Consistency – The Key To Exponential Growth

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” – Bruce Lee When trying to get ahead in life, we’re often distracted by flashy solutions and shiny objects. We try anything and everything at once, accomplishing nothing. If you’re ever considering […]

Focusing On Your Strengths

“Focus on your strengths not weaknesses.” Studies have shown that trying to improve upon your weaknesses is far less effective than spending time building up your strengths. Working on weaknesses can result in unnecessary frustration and may even lead to withdrawal.  People who focus on their strengths every single day are six times more likely […]

The Only Shortcut

“Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.” — Jerry Rice. When I decided to set sail on my own journey of greatness, I failed. I failed a lot – but I also learned certain fundamental principles on what it takes to create and maintain a happy and […]

Daydreaming With A Purpose

Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer once said: “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it”  Most successful people have one thing in common – they all believe in the power of visualization. Visualizing your future goals not only increases your energy and motivation to take […]

The 1 Key To 10X Your Productivity

“You’ve got to be more productive!”  … is what today’s hustle culture propagandists keep yelling at us 24/7/365. Don’t get me wrong – being productive is good. It’s just that most of us have a very flawed notion of what it actually takes to be productive. You see, you can try using fancy time management […]