How Gloudemans Manifested €8,000

We’ve got an update on one of the stories that I’ve mentioned some time ago. C. Gloudemans manifested around €8,000 since joining the program. He also gave us a couple of tips and examples of things he’s been using to get ahead in life and manifest his success in passive income. To get access to the […]

You’re Doing Affirmations Wrong (And how to fix it)

If you’ve been reading my posts, in some I’ve mentioned that there is a specific way to do affirmations (which most people don’t know about) that makes them work. You tell me: Are you just saying things in your mind (or out loud) over and over again? If you said yes, you’re missing key elements. So […]

How Johannes Generated $124,000

Johannes joined the Memory Flipping Masterclass™ in September. Here we are in October and he has posted a win, he generated $124,000. Look: Many people have created better health, found the love of their life, improved the quality of their life and reached financial security. And so can you. I invite you to join the program and invest into […]

From debt to a $10,000+ business owner

I think the title says it all.. Kevin created an inspiring story since joining the Memory Flipping Masterclass™. Started from zero, struggling to succeed, being in debt.. .. to a $10,000+ business owner, debt free, with a 718 credit score and he keeps on going. A true rags to riches story: I shared the keys I’ve used to become […]

This One Is About You

The decision you are in front of is not really about me or my program, it is about you. It takes an extraordinary person to have the courage to follow his or her dreams. Let me give you an example. A couple of months ago Kevin was in the same position you’re in right now. When […]

This Is Important

I guarantee you that if you hang around the people whose goals don’t reflect yours, you won’t reach them. Seriously, ignoring this is not an option. As soon as grade school people start forming groups, they start dressing alike, speaking alike, developing similar habits and so on. You’ve probably heard stories about the “good kid” […]

Diva’s “Missing Link”

Meet Diva, she’s a member of our Source Hacker Family. She’s been through many books on mindset and the subconscious mind, courses on the Law of Attraction.. But there was always something missing. When she came across the Source Hacker System, she finally found the “missing link”. She decided to share what it was. So if you’d […]

How To Attract Your Soulmate

Some years ago I’ve done this simple exercise, that allowed me to attract the love of my life, my soulmate. And we’ve been together since!The exercise is so simple you could finish it in just a few minutes.I’ve recorded a short video (less than 2 minutes), where I explain how it works and everything.So if you’d like to […]

How Claudia Lost Over 40 Pounds (19 Kilograms)

I’d like to introduce Claudia from the Source Hacker family. In my previous post, I spoke about a “glass ceiling”, and how it can appear in any area of your life. Well, Claudia doesn’t seem to have one at all. She has: Lost over 40 pounds (19kgs) Created a program Will soon interview a high-level CEO Is on […]

Adrienne’s Secret To Manifesting

Have you ever felt like there’s a glass ceiling on your health, income and happiness? I know I have.. I’ve also been told that I have to believe in it to make it happen. But it didn’t. Adrienne too, but she finally broke through the glass and started manifesting things she previously couldn’t. Check it out by clicking here