Source Hacker System Intro

Here’s a gift for reading my blog: Introducing the Source Hacker System Intro. A quick, short program with a couple of videos covering some basics. Completely free of charge. All you have to do is click here and claim it. That’s it! Hope you like it.

How Kevin Manifested $18.7k

How many times have you thought about manifesting that dream business? Finding your soulmate? Let me ask you something: What’s truly stopping you from getting those things? When Kevin joined, he was in debt, without a business. However, once he became the 2.0 version of himself and used Memory Flipping to align his past with his desired future, […]

This Is The Difference Between Winners And Losers

So what’s the difference between someone who is a “success” and who is not? Well the first step is your paradigm. You can pretty much put people into 2 categories, and most people fall into the “victim” category. However, if you want to get into the other category, click here.

How Silvia Manifested A 6 Figure Business

I want to tell you about Silvia. She used to be an agency client, we ran her ads and I taught her the principles of manifesting. In a mere 6 months she was able to go from a dead-end 9-5 job to manifesting a 6 figure business. She recorded a quick video about it, so click […]

How Aleea Manifested €900 In One Day

You never know how close you are until you get there. After Aleea aligned her past with her desired future, and became the 2.0 version of herself, she was able to manifest €900 in a single day. Check it out: Let me ask you this: What’s really holding you back from manifesting a life you LOVE? If you want to […]

This Is How I Stay Motivated Everyday

Remember those new years resolutions you dropped? The promises you made to yourself but didn’t stay consistent? Look, I used to struggle with that too. The good old two steps forward, three steps back – I was there. Well I have a simple tip on how to stay motivated EVERYDAY. I’ve recorded a short video where […]

If Money Stresses You Out

I want to tell you something about money, as it’s been holding me back for a long time. If you’re worried about it, if it’s stressing you out, there’s a way to overcome that. I’ve recorded a short video for you, where I have a personal story to share. Click here to check it out:

This Is How Gabriella Kicked The Habit

Sometimes the easiest way to improve your life is not by adding things to it, but by removing things. Getting rid of that shopping habit and saving up more money… Eating healthy to get that dream body… Or kicking an unhealthy habit that’s destroying your health. That was Gabriela’s case too, when she quit smoking. […]

Why Affirmations Aren’t Working For You

Affirmations have been one of the big keys behind my success with manifesting a life I love. However, there’s a specific way you have to use them, to make them work. I’ve made a short 5 minute video where I explain. Check it out by clicking here:

5 Quick Source Hacks Mini Program

Hey there, this is Peter. Since you’re reading my blog I assume you’re on your way to manifesting a life you love. I realize that if I want to be a part of your journey, I have to give you valuable stuff in order to be able to tag along. So here’s a mini program, […]