Work Together
After having helped 300+ businesses in a wide variety of industries, from start ups to 9-figure giants generate over $100M profitably via paid ads, I'd be blind if I couldn't notice obvious patterns between businesses that are crushing vs. the ones who are scraping by. That's why I created the ROI Frameworks™ to help scale companies past 7-8 figures profitably via paid ads.
Tens of millions of dollars spent on paid ads across 100s of ad accounts.

ROI Frameworks™ Done-With-You Coaching Package With Peter Szabo
How would you like Peter Szabo and his team to review your entire business model, offers, funnels, ads and help you implement his proprietary ROI Frameworks™ into your business while coaching you every step of the way to rapidly double, triple, quadruple even 10X your results in 3 months or less — while having your R.O.I. GUARANTEED?
The prospect has to meet a set of strict, yet reasonable criteria to qualify for the guarantee.
Phone call required to see if you qualify.
% of ad spend and/or upside

Private 1-on-1 Consultation
What if you’re ten feet away from gold? In just a one hour call, Peter Szabo will tear apart your funnel & ads to identify simple, easy and quick “2 millimeter shifts” you can deploy right now that can dramatically and radically improve your revenues, conversion rates and profit margins nearly instantly.
The truth is: this very moment you’re leaving money on the table. Often times we get “tunnel vision” in our business as we’re emotionally attached to it, so what would it cost you NOT to have a true expert who’s generated 8-figures for clients via paid ads to look at your business at find low hanging fruit you can leverage for immediate gains. A typical client finds an extra $10-100K/month in untapped potential revenue.