Our ability to deal with challenges is NOT determined by our skill or talent but our mindset.
The 40% rule, popularized by the legendary Navy SEAL David Goggins, tells us an interesting but scary fact: whenever we feel like we can’t do something anymore, we’re only about 40% in – not even halfway through our energy reserves.
In order to take advantage of this rule, it is not enough to be motivated – one must become obsessed.
The human mind is a wonderful tool that has the ability to both propel us forward and pull us back. We get to decide which side we want to be on when push comes to shove.
The 40% rule is something we should all live by, whether in business or life in general. All of us can learn to dig deeper and push ourselves farther than we ever thought possible.
If we are willing to terminate the governor within ourselves, we might just awaken the emperor.
If you want to discover and exploit your full potential, try our Source Hacker System. It’ll teach you all the tools you need in order to become the “2.0” version of yourself, unlocking 100% of your potential.
“Whatever’s tough for everyone else is just about right to us…”