How Grace Generated 28 Clients In A Month

I guarantee that you will get results from the program. How can I guarantee that? I constantly see that the members of the family get results from the program. You either get what you came for or your money back.Let me repeat that.You can try the program out for 30 days and if you show […]

How AJ Manifested $200,000 A Month

Let me just cut to the chase.. As CEO of the biggest Facebook marketing agency in Europe, I have been blessed with a life I truly love. Having achieved these things, I can tell you exactly what to do to get there as well. AJ, one of my past clients wanted to share some words […]

This Is Costing You A Lot Of Money

I know that long posts are not a joy to read so I decided to record a short video for you. Now starting an online business at 11 years old, I made a lot of mistakes because of taking the trial and error route. The good news is, there is a way to bypass that, […]

How to manifest €700 “out of thin air”

Your vibe creates your life. Your vibe (unconscious vibrational set point) is essentially your identity. Your identity is made up of past memories. When you heal and rewrite traumatic memories, you instantly shift your identity, thus your vibe too. You know the universal law … “like attracts like” So when Cornelia worked through some money related memories, nearly overnight […]

Let Me Be Honest With You

I am just going to be blunt. Progress equals happiness. Achieving a new goal is going to give you a momentary “high” but constant progress is what’s going to give you direction and true happiness. When Evelina bought Gap shares she was happy for a minute, but what kept providing her with constant joy was […]

This Is Important

I guarantee you that if you hang around the people whose goals don’t reflect yours, you won’t reach them. Seriously, ignoring this is not an option. As soon as grade school people start forming groups, they start dressing alike, speaking alike, developing similar habits and so on. You’ve probably heard stories about the “good kid” […]

Ideas Are Overrated

You know the great idea you have? You know THE one. Well.. a lot of people have ideas, but only a few know how to turn them into money producing assets. After working with 2000+ students in the Source Hacker System™ I have an idea of what the most common problems are: Self-sabotage (most people are not even […]

How Grace Manifested 13+ Clients For Her Business At 18 Years Old

Grace entered the Source Hacker System™ at 18 years old just this summer. She is attending University and at the same time she was able to launch her own business and three weeks after launching it, she has landed her biggest client so far. During those three weeks she manifested more than 13 clients already. Take a look: […]

Shifting Your Identity

Shifting your identity is simple if you do Memory Flipping. When you master it, you can become the person you want to be and everything else falls into place. It is crucial, however, that you do your part. I created the Source Hacker System™ to give you my exact know-how on this process. These are the things […]

This One Is About You

The decision you are in front of is not really about me or my program, it is about you. It takes an extraordinary person to have the courage to follow his or her dreams. Let me give you an example. A couple of months ago Kevin was in the same position you’re in right now. When […]