How Kevin Manifested $18.7K

“Once I dedicated my time to Source Hacker my income skyrocketed 🚀” To be fair, when Kevin dedicated his time to the program, he basically dedicated his time to improving himself. He dedicated time for himself. He invested into his education. Investing into your health, happiness, education.. Investing into yourself in general ALWAYS bring the best return on investment. Once he […]

How NOT To Fail In Business

Look, I don’t want to toot my horn, but I’ve been in business for 11+ years at this point. Over and over I’ve gotten the same question: “What does it take to succeed in business?” While there’s not really a one fits all solution, there’s a very simple answer. Matter of fact, even more than just success, this […]

How to reach your goal by working less than you have before

A lot of people have been asking how can you fast-track your way to your goals, how you can save time and get the same amount of things done (or more). Well there’s a simple (counter-intuitive) way to do that. I’ve put together a short, couple minutes worth of video where I explain it so you […]

Video of Liam (Source Hacker System Family Member)

Have you met Liam? He’s a member of our Source Hacker family. Recently he published a video, talking about the program, in short, his thoughts about the whole thing and his experiences. If you’d like valuable insights and/or an opinion of a student, Liam’s your guy. Click here to check it out

How Klaus Made +$9k in a SINGLE WEEK

“I never thought this was possible.”“If you interpret the glass half full every time you will eventually get a full glass.”Those were Klaus’ own words after generating +$9,000 in a single week.I have to agree.. I truly believe that if you do your part the other pieces will fall into place.I know questions come up like […]

Rewire Your Brain For Success Naturally

So you have a goal, you have a plan and then.. nothing.You spend the day doing everything but that one thing that will get you to your goal.Sounds familiar?Awesome.The reason is that your “motivation molecule” is acting out, and if you want to know how to fix that, click hereOr you can click the video below and just watch […]

Easiest Way To Achieve Success

I wanted to give you some food for thought.Have you ever heard the quote:“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.“If you’d like to learn more about habits, and how to get the right ones in place, click hereSo ask yourself, is being excellent at something bring you success?Of course it does.Not […]

The #1 Most Success Stories In The Industry

Recently I’ve realized that we have an absolutely crazy amount of documented online student wins. You won’t find this many anywhere else. I don’t want to be boasting but I realized something: Karolos, one of our family members here at Memory Flipping Masterclass (Also called Source Hacker System) has shared his honest thoughts about the program. […]

The One Thing That Separates Success From Failure

So back when I was 17 years old, Gerald Soh did an interview with me for his followers, in which I revealed the “step 0” or “foundation” for my success. It’s probably not what you think. Click here to check it out If you’ve ever heard about the Pareto principle, it says that 20% of action […]

They Completely RIPPED ME OFF

I worked years to save up enough money to get myself a mentor.I was 13 or 14 at the time..I’ve invested everything I had, and they completely RIPPED ME OFF.I was on my parents’ couch, crying.Soon after, I’ve done the craziest thing one could imagine.Check it out by clicking here