Do You Have Mixed Neuro-Associations?

Imagine you could unlock unlimited motivation. Laser-like focus. Legendary work ethic and discipline. Manifest your dream business, find the love of your life, overall a life you love. Newsflash: with mixed neuro-associations it’s not happening. Click here and I’ll explain. Luckily, there’s a solution. You (and only you) CAN do something about it. So if […]

Why The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Poorer

I developed a framework called the Human OS. It is based on first principles thinking (which you might have heard of from people like Elon Musk). In short it explains why people do what they do, and why things like “self-fulfilling prophecies” happen. You can check it out by clicking here. Now you may know that […]

How To 10X Your Results In ANY Area Of Your Life

Did you know that the top wealthiest 1% of people own almost half of the world’s wealth? Some people say this gap will only keep increasing. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So how do you 10x your results to manifest a life you love? Well I have some tips for you […]

This Is Why Affirmations Don’t Work For You

Have you tried affirmations, visualization, incantations and so on? If they didn’t work for you (and they don’t work for most people), it’s probably because your brain is holding onto something that’s conflicting with them. Now you’re probably wondering what can conflict with them. And you can click here to find out. Think about it as […]

The Most Important Piece For Success

I’ll keep this short and to the point. Look, I know that there’s a lot of confusing information out there on this topic. But the big picture really only consists of two things. Where one is 5 times more important that the other. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about this, so I decided to […]

Source Hacker Money Manifestations

I’d like to personally invite you to something that could change your life. Sometimes the smallest change (your beliefs) can change everything about your world. It certainly changed mine. As an 11 year old I believed I can be, do or have anything I want. And 12 years later, going from a broke high school […]

Positive Reinforcement For Manifesting

“And each day as I progress and I make things happen, I get encouraged to keep going further and further.” That’s what Sajid said about the Source Hacker System. He learned all the things I did over the 11+ years, including the techniques I created and used to manifest a life I truly love. Now […]

How You Can (And Should) Heal Your Mind Everyday

Everybody wants to manifest a life they love. But you can’t do that if your health is not in order. The oldest and simplest trick in the book to heal your body and mind is something that a lot of us take for granted. Sven, one of our Source Hacker System graduates has lately been […]

The Victim And Victor Paradigms

Are you a victim or a victor? It may seem like a simple question (and one of the answers is obviously better than the other). But it goes way beyond claiming one or the other. I learned this way back from books and mentors, and it was one of the biggest keys for my success. […]

How I Made My First Million Dollars By 19

So I got into business at 11 and I made my first million by 19. I’m not saying that to brag, I’m saying that as proof that things are possible. But how did I do that? Well, I recorded a quick video about that. Check it out here: